When The State States…

In times of crisis the UK Government has, quite rightly, mobilised the National and Local Authorities in order to protect the public and to ensure that the country can still function. However, successive crises have shown that once freedoms have been taken from the public by the Government the Government is always reluctant to give those freedoms back.

It is often said that for Democracy to truly work the people should never be afraid of the Government. Unfortunately Government takes a different view. How can you govern if the people are not afraid of you? Sadly, it is a naive approach and shows the thin line between governing and dictating. The fact is, it all boils down to a matter of trust and this is a two-way street. (An unfathomably congested street!)

The present Tory Government under the leadership of Prime Minister Boris Johnson seem to be increasingly reluctant to give back the freedoms that they curtailed under the COVID19 restrictions. In reality the restrictions imposed by this government go much further than those required for a pandemic. 

We also have a totally unrealistic “Green” timetable to contend with.  Within a short period of nine years we will be expected to have dumped all cost effective and efficient gas boilers for a “Green” alternative. Notwithstanding that this alternative will not be as efficient nor, in real terms, as cost effective.  We also have the nightmare of “going electric” with our cars, vans and lorries. by the year 2030. After this date no more Petrol or diesel powered vehicles will be sold in the UK. It is expected that between 2030 and 2050 any remaining diesel and petrol engined vehicles will be taxed off the road.

What? You may ask has this got to do with ‘freedoms’, the answer is that your freedom of choice has been eroded by a Nanny State. When you consider that The UK is ranked 17th  in the world with 1.1% of global emissions. Compared to the top four polluters all the UK government is doing with its knee-jerk rush to go “Green” is to waste taxpayers money.

This money would be better spent on clean coal technology, carbon capture and nuclear energy.

CO2 Emissions per Capita

#CountryCO2 Emissions per capita (tons)
2United States15.52

In two years time the freedom to choose how fast you drive your car will also be taken away. New EU Law, which Johnson has already accepted, means that all cars sold from 2022 will have a speed restrictor fitted and you will be forced to drive at whatever speed the particular Local Authority deems fit. 

Your freedom to leave or enter the UK if you have not been vaccinated has also been lost. However this does not apply to the thousands of illegal immigrants that the Government ferry in to the UK on a weekly basis.

So, what is the answer to this blatant steal of our basic freedoms. Some might say we need a strong Right Wing government in order to redress the obvious wrongs of the present incumbents. Others, believe the answer to be a strong Left Wing government. To be honest, are they not just two feathers from the same bird?

Surely what is really needed is a strong Electorate. An Electorate of people who understand Democracy and are willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure that the people whom they elect to represent them actually do just that. Sending prospective politicians out on the stump telling people what they want to hear with scant regard to the Party Manifesto has to stop and it has to be stopped by us, the public. 

How many people voted for their present MP based on what he said on the stump rather that what the Party Manifesto stated?  A lot can be hidden in a Manifesto and the Party Mandarins know that the public rarely, if ever, challenge what is written therein. It seems that the only people who are allowed to tweak and change Manifesto promises are the very same Mandarins who guard it so fiercely. 

George Orwell must have had a “Nostradamus”  moment when he wrote 1984 for here we are in 2021 living in fear of a government obsessed with power, a police force that protects the perpetrator rather than the victim, a MSM that is totally out of control and, in most cases, out of touch. A ‘woke’ education system that is not fit for purpose and a business sector still blaming Brexit for their lack of opportunities and profits instead of getting off their accumulative bums and doing something about it. We also have a National Broadcaster that has for the past twenty years been nothing more than a Ministry of Lies and which uses the general public as a ‘cash cow’!

People just want to be free of it, free from having to pay for a sub-standard, biased National Broadcaster, free from the shackles of the EU (Oh yes we are still firmly shackled to this corrupt behemoth!). Free from the fear of grooming, rape and murder, free from a system whereby an illegal immigrant takes precent over a homeless ex service person.

Is it asking too much to want to live in a free, truly Democratic society? The answer has got to be, no because in a truly Democratic society the government is frightened of the people for it is the people who put them in Government and it is the people who can Democratically remove them!